Best Places to Live & Work as a Digital Nomad in Southern Mozambique


Digital Nomad Guide: Southern Mozambique

Southern Mozambique comprises the provinces of Gaza, Inhambane, and Maputo, renowned for its 621-mile (1000km) coastline stretching from Beira to Maputo. This region is a popular destination for vacations among neighboring countries, boasting more development compared to its northern counterparts. A highlight is the Bazaruto Archipelago, located 12 miles (20km) off the mainland between Inhassoro and Vilankulo (also known as Vilanculos), attracting visitors with its pristine coral reefs ideal for diving and snorkeling. While Inhambane holds historical significance as the oldest settlement, Vilankulo serves as the bustling hub for tourism and expeditions to Bazaruto. Lodging options vary widely here, ranging from cozy B&Bs and backpacker resorts to luxurious lodges and hotels. Further south lies Praia do Xai-Xai, a coastal resort renowned for watersports and game fishing.


  • Islands
  • Boating
  • Water Sports
  • adventure
  • Sports
  • Diving
  • Wildlife
  • sunshine

Climate in Southern Mozambique